Category: Kate Shugak

Aaand the contest begins!

To recap from the February Roadhouse Report: A fan contest is announced! Alert readers will have noticed that I’m re-running “The History of Kate Shugak in 22 Objects” series here on I’ve even managed to keep all the original comments. Some are pretty funny and all of them are fun. Scroll down to read them…

Read more Aaand the contest begins!

from the 20th Kate Shugak novel

Tuesday, July 10th Kushtaka Tyler Mack was an eighteen-year old stick of post-adolescent dynamite just waiting for the right match.  He was smart in all the wrong ways, using his intelligence chiefly to conspire with Boris Balluta, his best friend and coconspirator since childhood, on ways and means to avoid manual labor. Of medium height,…

Read more from the 20th Kate Shugak novel

from the 19th Kate Shugak novel

On the other side of the door, the two men in the almost identical uniforms exchanged a long, expressionless stare. Finally Jim said in a voice entirely without inflection, “Liam,” and nodded at a chair. “Have a seat.” “Thanks, Jim.” Campbell unzipped the heavy blue jacket and sat down. There was silence. “How long you…

Read more from the 19th Kate Shugak novel

from the 18th Kate Shugak novel

1918 Niniltna The black death didn’t get to Alaska until November.  When it did, it cut down almost everyone in its path. The territorial governor imposed a quarantine and restricted travel into the Interior, stationing U.S. Marshals at all ports, trailheads and river mouths to interdict travel between communities.  He issued a special directive urging…

Read more from the 18th Kate Shugak novel