Site icon Dana Stabenow

Letty and the Peace-Makers is the name of my next band.

Rerunning my Goodreads review of John Sandford’s Escape Clause here…

Any book that begins with Virgil Flowers skinny dipping in a swimming hole works for me. Add in two catnapped Amur tigers, immigrant workers being exploited in a pickle factory, a homicidal animal rights activist, Frankie the farmer girlfriend who is, reluctantly I say it, worthy of Virgil’s undivided attention, Sparkle her idiot sister, Bill the sort-of priest, and a hilarious group of vengeful Armenian (or was it Iranian?) brothers who all talk like Damon Runyon characters anyway, and you’ve got a book that will keep your butt firmly in your chair from page 1 to page end. It sure did mine.

…as a lead in to tomorrow’s event, where I will be signing Not the Ones Dead in the stellar company of John Sandford, who will be signing…

at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona.

I’ve read Dark Angel but I’m not saying a word, not a single word… except to say that Letty and the Peace-Makers is the name of my next band.

The 23rd Kate Shugak novel. I know, I can’t believe it, either. Hope to see you at the PP tomorrow. If you can’t make it in person the event will be broadcast on the PP’s YouTube channel, on Facebook Live, and as a podcast on Podbean. Oh, and they know how to ship.

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Book Review Monday Chatter Kate Shugak

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