Category: Chatter

Bad actors on a global scale

Steve Berry knows how to write a thriller–short chapters, efficient prose, lots of characters who don’t know who they are really working for, a very capable hired killer who certainly does and has all the rest of them looking over their shoulders, bad actors on a global scale, and a missing WWII treasure trove appropriated…

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Grunts were the usual response to his attempts at conversation, and when it wasn’t grunts it was Cornish, which was worse.

Excerpt… England, winter, 1326-1327 Jaufre, Johanna, and Shasha settled in to plan an English extension of the Road, and Jaufre began his study of how to be a lord under the tutelage of Tregloyne. “Not a lord,” Tregloyne told him. “God’s teeth, save me from that, I’d be taxed to death and have to take…

Read more Grunts were the usual response to his attempts at conversation, and when it wasn’t grunts it was Cornish, which was worse.