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from the seventh Kate Shugak novel


Kate looked from the garage door lying flat on the ground to the cache crumpled up on the opposite side of the yard and sat down hard on the doorstep, the rifle clutched in her hands, waiting for her heart rate to drop below 200. “Breakup,” she said.

Fun fact: Breakup has been called a caper novel by those who would know better than me, so it will surprise you to hear that it was written from rage. I was 70 pages in to the first draft when I realized that Kate just wouldn’t do what it said right there in the outline she was supposed to do. I had to start over and I was so pissed off that I look back now and wonder if I was trying to kill her. And then Mandy’s parents, who were supposed to be villains, turn out to be heroes. Everybody turned on me.

Chatter From the Kate Shugak Novels Kate Shugak

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