Tag: No Fixed Line

“Opera is not some goddamn mystical redemptive force. It’s fat people singing really loud in French or Italian or Russian or some other language that ain’t English.”

From Less Than a Treason, the twenty-first Kate Shugak novel: Tuesday, November 1 the Roadhouse Ernie Ivanoff held forth in fine voice. “Opera is not some goddamn mystical redemptive force. It’s fat people singing really loud in French or Italian or Russian or some other language that ain’t English. It might help Nicholas Cage or…

Read more “Opera is not some goddamn mystical redemptive force. It’s fat people singing really loud in French or Italian or Russian or some other language that ain’t English.”

Around a bend a grizzly boar sleeping peacefully on a gravel bar woke with a snort and glared around nearsightedly.

From Bad Blood, the twentieth Kate Shugak novel: It was a beautiful morning, clear and cool.  Mist smoked up from the surface of the water, broken temporarily by the bow of the skiff moving upriver, closing in again behind its stern.  Night, in summer only a suggestion of twilight between midnight and two a.m., gave…

Read more Around a bend a grizzly boar sleeping peacefully on a gravel bar woke with a snort and glared around nearsightedly.

“So, you’re not even sure a murder has taken place,” Kate said.

From Restless in the Grave, the nineteenth Kate Shugak novel: “So, you’re not even sure a murder has taken place,” Kate said. “No.” “And without more evidence, you can’t justify investigating it yourself.” “Plus press of other business,” Campbell said.  “Mocassin Man’s started a meth lab somewhere, and I’m riding herd on the usual assortment…

Read more “So, you’re not even sure a murder has taken place,” Kate said.

“The things some people name their kids.  You’d think they wanted them to get beat up in kindergarten.”

From Though Not Dead, the eighteenth Kate Shugak novel: “That was his middle name.”  Dan remained incredulous, and Kate said, “It was in his will and everything.” “Jesus,” Dan said again, “the things some people name their kids.  You’d think they wanted them to get beat up in kindergarten.  Okay, Samuel Leviticus Dementieff, a single…

Read more “The things some people name their kids.  You’d think they wanted them to get beat up in kindergarten.”

The bullet penetrated eye and occipital bone and ricocheted around the inside of the skull.

From A Night Too Dark, the seventeenth Kate Shugak novel: He was running flat out, straight at them, squealing and growling a challenge, turf kicked up behind him by those long, sharp, deadly claws.  Distantly, as if it were happening to someone else, she could feel his weight hitting the ground, a steady, rhythmic vibration…

Read more The bullet penetrated eye and occipital bone and ricocheted around the inside of the skull.

He shook his head, half in pity for a fellow man, half in shame, and went back inside.  It was just too painful to watch.

From A Taint in the Blood, the fourteenth Kate Shugak novel: Johnny Morgan, elbows on the railing, watched from the deck.  It was pitiful, was what it was.  Here was this tiny little woman, couldn’t weigh 120 pounds wringing wet, facing down this big, strong, good-looking guy, an Alaska state trooper no less, a man…

Read more He shook his head, half in pity for a fellow man, half in shame, and went back inside.  It was just too painful to watch.

It took Mutt precisely seventeen seconds, trotting back and forth with her nose to the ground, to pick up Johnny’s scent from the T-shirt Kate held out to her to where the boy smell from it led into the bushes.

From A Grave Denied, the thirteenth Kate Shugak novel: It took Mutt precisely seventeen seconds, trotting back and forth with her nose to the ground, to pick up Johnny’s scent from the T-shirt Kate held out to her to where the boy smell from it led into the bushes.  It took them forty-six minutes, Kate…

Read more It took Mutt precisely seventeen seconds, trotting back and forth with her nose to the ground, to pick up Johnny’s scent from the T-shirt Kate held out to her to where the boy smell from it led into the bushes.