Tag: Heather Lende


On March 15th 49 Writers hosted a conversation between me and Haines, Alaska writer Heather Lende. Pro tip: It never does for writers to take themselves too seriously. We didn’t. My review of Heather’s book is here, Of Bears and Ballots, which book you should most definitely read along with everything else she’s ever written.

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“All politics is local,” said some old pol, and local politics are the bloodiest politics there are.

Haines writer Heather Lende runs for a seat on her local assembly and wins, and the gates of mercy close behind her. She has barely warmed the seat of her chair before there is a recall petition being circulated against her and the two other new members of the assembly. Said recall fomented by incendiary…

Read more “All politics is local,” said some old pol, and local politics are the bloodiest politics there are.

Found the good.

Find the Good by Heather Lende Heather asked me for a blurb for this book last May. I warned her that I almost never do blurbs because, well, I suck at them. She sent me the book and that evening I emailed her thusly: Take your pick. Or chose none at all: “A beguiling evocation…

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