Site icon Dana Stabenow

Getting into weirder Christmas gift territory now.

(The prices should be spoken of only in low, deferential tones.)

The De Grisogono Ruby Grappoli wristwatch for women. $745,000. Put it on and walk down a dark alley for the added excitement of having it ripped off your wrist by your friendly neighborhood mugger. Also, you know, ugly.

The Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. Perfect for tooling into town to check the mail and pick up a quart of milk. At $4.8 million, I can afford to watch the video.

A first edition of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. £140,000 ($210,142). Okay, I’d have to put the house up for sale, but this one I could talk myself into.

Meanwhile, because sanity…

Email or call toll free (888) 560-9919 to have them mailed to you, or you could even (so retro) actually drive down and pick up a copy in person. But not if you have first spent all your money on the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita.


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