Tag: Strangers in their own Land

To a man and woman they hate the label “poor me” and utterly reject its application to themselves, but…

[from my 2018 Goodreads review] A liberal Berkeley sociologist, alarmed by the yawning fissure in American society between left and right, spends five years in Louisiana talking to Tea Partiers to try to understand their viewpoint. The result is a thoughtful, insightful look at what is, let’s face it, a prime mover of political events…

Read more To a man and woman they hate the label “poor me” and utterly reject its application to themselves, but…

That prime mover is, essentially, a reaction against first the 20th and now the 21st century.

A liberal Berkeley sociologist, alarmed by the yawning fissure in American society between left and right, spends five years in Louisiana talking to Tea Partiers to try to understand their viewpoint. The result is a thoughtful, insightful look at what is, let’s face it, a prime mover of political events today, and not just in…

Read more That prime mover is, essentially, a reaction against first the 20th and now the 21st century.