Tag: silk road

He didn’t want the Baghdadian euphoria over North Wind’s month-long winning streak to erode into ennui and jealousy…

Excerpt… Gaza, October 1323 IN BAGHDAD, AN astute Firas arranged for them to leave with a caravan en route for the port of Gaza. He explained, not unreasonably, that he didn’t want the Baghdadian euphoria over North Wind’s month-long winning streak to erode into ennui and jealousy, which could lead to attempts at retaliation by…

Read more He didn’t want the Baghdadian euphoria over North Wind’s month-long winning streak to erode into ennui and jealousy…

There were those who looked as if they would as soon murder the woman out of hand than endure another episode of her fits.

Excerpt… October, 1324, the Holy Land THE CONVULSING WOMAN screamed again. She had a painfully loud and piercing scream which the rock walls of the cave only enhanced. Everyone in earshot cringed. Some cursed. And there were those who looked as if they would as soon murder the woman out of hand than endure another…

Read more There were those who looked as if they would as soon murder the woman out of hand than endure another episode of her fits.

“Use their ignorance. It will be infinitely more powerful than any other weapon you could possible possess.”

Excerpt… Between the Hindu Kush and Baghdad, summer, 1323 Johanna was no match for Firas in upper body strength, but he made her practice with a heavy wooden practice sword for a month before he found a small sword in another market which weighed half of what the practice sword did. She discarded the first…

Read more “Use their ignorance. It will be infinitely more powerful than any other weapon you could possible possess.”

“I beg you, please rid yourself of the habit of calling me Alaric the Templar.”

Excerpt… On the Road, summer, 1323 “TELL ME ABOUT the Templars,” Jaufre said. Alaric sighed. To Jaufre’s ears it sounded a little theatrical. “First, I beg you, please rid yourself of the habit of calling me Alaric the Templar,” the older man said. “Ram will have his little joke, but the farther west we travel,…

Read more “I beg you, please rid yourself of the habit of calling me Alaric the Templar.”

“Go ahead. Take him.”

Balkh, summer 1323 A scream from the hollow below spun her around. She leapt down the loose scree of the knoll and slid into camp in a scatter of loose gravel, barely managing to stay upright. There she found Hayat and Alma clinging to each other as they watched two young men, ragged and dirty,…

Read more “Go ahead. Take him.”