Tag: Ron Chernow

…of all the founding fathers he may have been most essential in creating what our nation is today, good and bad…

It’s easy to see how this book, or rather the character of Alexander Hamilton inspired Lin-Manuel Miranda to write Hamilton, although the constraints of a musical means some of the best stories get left behind. Like the one about Benedict Arnold, who has already turned his coat when Washington and Hamilton and Lafayette show up…

Read more …of all the founding fathers he may have been most essential in creating what our nation is today, good and bad…

Who’s watching Hamilton?

Show of hands? Yeah, what I thought. Here’s my Goodreads review of Ron Chernow’s Hamilton. It’s easy to see how this book, or rather the character of Alexander Hamilton inspired Lin-Manuel Miranda to write Hamilton, although the constraints of a musical means some of the best stories get left behind. Like the one about Benedict…

Read more Who’s watching Hamilton?