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Whisper to the Blood

The sixteenth Kate Shugak novel, coming from Minotaur on February 17, 2009.
For the first time ever, I will be signing a Kate Shugak novel on publication day. Whoop!
This august event will occur at 7pm on the aforementioned February 17 at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona. Write to pre-order your very owned signed first edition of Whisper to the Blood.

All the books are available for purchase through the Homer Bookstore in Homer, Title Wave Books in Anchorage,, Border’s, Barnes and Noble, and independent bookstores everywhere.

Go here to watch “the Kate Shugak series (abridged)” video on YouTube

The title comes from a Theodore Roethke poem called “Prognosis,” second stanza:

Flesh behind steel and glass is unprotected
From enemies that whisper to the blood…

A single misstep, Roethke writes, and we leave the quick.
A single action by one Park rat, and the repercussions affect them all.

Where does the story of Whisper to the Blood begin? With Johnny’s hitchhike north three years before? With Louis Deem’s death a year ago? With this year’s discovery on Park land of a gold deposit worth billions of dollars?

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