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A Cold Day for Murder

A Cold Day for Murder CoverIt’s December in the Park, and a ranger is missing. It’s no great loss to the rest of the Park rats, they figure he’s stumbled into a snowbank and will re-emerge come breakup, just in time for the ground to thaw and them to bury him. But when the man sent to look for him also disappears, Kate Shugak, ex-investigator for the Anchorage D.A. and Park homesteader, is sent in search of them both.

A Cold Day for Murder is now available as an absolutely free ebook! (Or as near to it as Amazon and B&N will let us get).

Technical Footnotes

1 This download contains versions for Kindle, Nook, iPad and others. Kindle owners, see Amazon’s instructions for emailing books to your device. Here are some helpful links for getting it into Nook, Stanza, or Sony Reader. If you don’t have any of those, you could also download a Kindle Reading application or Adobe Digital Editions to read this file on your desktop computer.
2 99¢ (plus tax in some places) is the minimum price Amazon allows me to set, sorry! If you buy it from Amazon, your bookmarks, highlights, and notes will be synced, so there is an advantage.
3 99¢ (plus tax in some places) is also the minimum price that B&N allows me to set, sorry!

First in the Kate Shugak series. Yes, this is the one that was lost for two years in my father’s garage and went on to win the Edgar award.

A paperback original back in the day, in January 2011 Poisoned Pen Press published A Cold Day for Murder in hardcover, with this fabulous cover by Patrick Hoi Yan Cheung. Click here to order your copy.

About the Dedication

For Don Stabenow
my very own personal air taxi service
and pyrotechnical adviser

Don Stabenow was my father. When I told him I was leaving a $63,000-a-year job to become a writer, he said without missing a beat, “Shit, kid, if that’s what you want, you go for it.” Never once in all the years it took to get published did he say I might be better off trying my hand at something else. When I ran low on money he installed me in his spare bedroom and wouldn’t even let me pay for groceries.
He was the best. He died in 1998, and I miss him every day.

Audio Excerpt

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