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Sylvia Plath’s Ariel

Studio 360 did a segment on Sylvia Plath this morning. Click through the image below to listen. “Performative.” Exactly. Plath’s poetry is an invitation to voyeurism, performer to audience. “See how painful my life is, see how I try and fail to absent myself from it time and again in every grisly little detail, and…

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…Salem begins to look like something out of a Monty Python skit.

  “In 1692,” Schiff begins, the Massachussets Bay Colony executed fourteen women, five men, and two dogs for witchcraft. The sorcery materialized in January. The first hanging took place in June, the last in September; a stark, stunned silence followed. What discomfited those who survived the ordeal was not the cunning practice of witchcraft but…

Read more …Salem begins to look like something out of a Monty Python skit.

On this Mother’s Day…

…take a few moments to remember…the auntie. Aunties are the rule-breakers. When they come over to babysit, the fancy dishes come out, the kitchen becomes a playground, and screen time and bedtime extend. They go on adventures, take my kids to slightly inappropriate movies and shows, and they expose them to new music. They are…

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