Category: Eye of Isis

We needed somewhere to go, a suburbial planet, a bedroom community for six billion.

[from “No Place Like Home,” a short story written for Star Colonies] WE PUT DOWN at the equator because it was the warmest latitude on the planet. Also the flattest. “And the most boring,” Grady said, hunched over the viewport. “And the safest,” I said, trying to peer over his shoulder. “Well, it’s no place…

Read more We needed somewhere to go, a suburbial planet, a bedroom community for six billion.

But then they all smelled.

[an Alaska short story, written for The Mysterious North] THEIR OVERCOATS STEAMED in the red-hot glow of the tiny stove, the steam rising to form ice on the ceiling of the cramped canvas tent. After a day’s slogging up and down the pass, they were each man and woman among them soaked to the skin,…

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Hitching a ride Nile style.

This photo was taken from the Old Cataract Hotel in Aswan during my visit to Egypt in December 2019. And it was the direct inspiration for this snippet from Theft of an Idol: The banks of the canal slipped past. Two boys in a rickety rowboat paddled out to catch hold of the rail and hitch…

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“Maybe I just have a sixth sense for big good-looking doofuses.”

[from “The Perfect Gift,” written for Wolfsbane and Mistletoe, an anthology featuring werewolves at Christmas.] The Alaska state troopers in Anchorage worked out of a five-story rectangular building with a dull gray exterior and an interior cut into matching gray cubicles. Littered surfaces of metal desks were lit by fluorescent tubes, every third or fourth…

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

[from “Missing, Presumed…” a Liam Campbell short story] ELI SYLVESTER HORRELL, fisher , husband, father, went overboard halfway between Dutch Harbor and the Pribilof Islands. Weather conditions that day in January included fifteen-knot winds and twelve-foot swells. The crew of the JERI A. had seen Horrell go in. In spite of an intensive search by…

Read more How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

There’s been a shooting.

[from “On the Evidence,” a Liam Campbell short story] THE PHONE RANG right next to Liam’s ear. He snatched it up before it could ring again. “It’s supposed to be my day off.” “Yes, sir,” Corporal Prince replied amiably, ignoring the snarl in her superior officer’s voice. Next to him, Wy muttered and burrowed beneath…

Read more There’s been a shooting.