Site icon Dana Stabenow

Three terrific movies

For your holiday viewing pleasure, Dana Stabenow, that known film critic, presents:

Spotlight The best journalism movie since since All the President’s Men. I saw it last night and if you ever doubted the need a free society has for a free press, you won’t when you leave the theater. Simply superb on every level, writing, acting, directing, filming.

Trumbo When someone uses the phrase “witchhunt,” do you know what it means? Here you go. Another great cast,  more great writing, and even if this movie sucked I’d tell you to go see it for the scene with John Goodman and the baseball bat.

Bridge of Spies A great story, Tom Hanks has never been better, and man, is this a beautifully filmed picture.Smart, often funny, always poignant, you’re going to thoroughly enjoy yourselves and you might even accidentally learn something along the way, because these three films together constitute a short course in modern American history. Go see them. Any or all three of them. It will restore your faith in Hollywood.


Why do they always wait until the end of the year to release all the good movies? It’s like glimpsing the oasis after eleven months’ of cinematic desert. But I’ll take it.


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