Policing, Alaska style.


They landed in Kulukak and taxied the float plane to the dock.  The place was still shrouded in what seemed to be its perpetual cloak of mist.  No one was there to greet them, but then Liam hadn’t called to say they were coming.  He had confirmed with Charlene that there was no fishing period scheduled for that day, and so had a faint hope of finding the people he needed to talk to actually in the village.  Of course they could be in Togiak buying parts, or on their way to Newenham to get laid, or for that matter, headed for Dutch to refit for crab fishing. 

Liam was an American to the very marrow of his bones, he supported the Constitution, he defended the Bill of Rights and he worked conscientiously to uphold his oath of office, but the distances involved in police work in Bush Alaska were so great that he sometimes secretly longed for the days of the Star Chamber, when you could toss anyone you liked for a crime into a dungeon until you were ready to talk to them.  They might be a little rat-bitten when you pulled them out again, but at least they’d be immediately to hand.

Excerpt from the second Liam Campbell novel, So Sure of Death. I’m working on the fifth book in the series now.

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Author and founder of Storyknife.org.

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